Have you found some success but feel like you’re meant for more than the life you’re living?

It’s time to stop endlessly chasing the life of your dreams

And finally start living the life you deserve

Show Me How To Create THAT Life!

Align to your highest  self to create next level fulfillment   in your health, wealth, and happiness.

I doubled my income within the first 6 months of working with Cheryl, and now I'm on track to make 4 times my last year's annual income.

"Before working with Cheryl, I had the idea that if you want to succeed in life, you need to work harder, stay disciplined, and hustle. I immersed myself in work, and glamorized my workaholic identity. After working with Cheryl privately and then joining TIR, my whole belief system was changed, so did my life. …

I started moving through my days with ease, achieving more and dreaming bigger. I doubled my income within the first 6 months of working with Cheryl, and now on track to make 4 times of my last year's annual income. The best part is that I feel better and happier. I now apply what I learned in my sessions to my team, and inspire them to do the same. We are stronger and more capable than ever." 

- Amelie Kang, Co-Founder of Ma’La’ Project, Restauranteur, Forbes 30 Under 30

It’s your turn to take the first step towards
creating what your heart desires

The Self-Study Program

A cutting edge, research-backed curriculum for high achieving and driven professionals and entrepreneurs ready for transformational breakthrough by blending best practices with intuitive coaching to create long-lasting personal and professional impacts by leveraging Bob Proctor’s Thinking Into Results in tandem with The BigLife Blueprint.

Iā€™m Ready For My BIGlife NOW

I would highly recommend her if you want results...

"Cheryl has the experience, knowledge and compassion to create positive changes in your life. I would highly recommend her if you want results in your life."

- Rita Kinzer International Artist, Energy Healer

...I have made leaps and bounds in my career.

"Cheryl is an excellent communicator and enthusiastic coach. She focuses not just on encouragement but on the tangible steps I must take to reach my goals…

Through her direct coaching, I have made leaps and bounds in my career. The tools she has given me are not just for my professional life but work for my life as a whole giving me the accessibility and courage to live the life I want, as opposed to the life I think I have to.

With Cheryl as my coach, I am constantly finding new ways to balance work and life, while also building my career, enjoying new projects, and focusing on the things that will help me become the professional I want to be."

- Douglas Weissman, Author, Screenplay Writer, Travel Writer

Cheryl's approach and insights challenged me to shift my outlook and overcome barriers that were holding me back.

"Cheryl is an outstanding professional coach. I had the opportunity to work with her for over a year and the experience transformed my approach to team management….Cheryl's approach and insights challenged me to shift my outlook and overcome barriers that were holding me back.

Highly recommend Cheryl and the Thinking into Results program to anyone looking to take their career to the next level."

- Chris Cowperthwaite, Digital Practice Lead at Navigator

My only regret is not finding Cheryl sooner.

"Cheryl Keates is the most empathetic, patient, caring, and skilled coach that I have ever worked with. It is clear that she has invested in continued mastery of her craft. As a coach myself, I honor and appreciate that. She creates a safe space where you can truly release, and be given the proper amount of loving push-back to move forward toward your more clearly defined goals. I am not even halfway through our original package and know that I want to re-up. My only regret is not finding her sooner."

- Rachel Boehm, Yes You Founder and Coach

With The BIGlife Design School it’s possible for you to...

  • Transform your entire belief system from limiting beliefs to possibility consciousness, so any goal becomes not just possible - but your reality.
  • Transcend the anger, frustration, and overwhelm that’s been haunting you and keeping you small, so you can step into the self acceptance and self actualization you’ve been searching for.
  • Generate the income and build the wealth you need to create your own economy, so you can have the freedom to work when you want, how you want, and where you want.
  • Quantum leap your personal growth, rather than relying on baby steps, so you can finally become the person you want to be to create the life you desire.

This isn’t like other “personal development” programs.

When you join, you’ll learn how to create profound, transformational results using The BIGlife Blueprint:

I’ll show you how to unlock and create the life of you really want through these 3 components:

See Bigger

When you struggle to fully allow yourself to dream big and imagine the life you want, it’s hard to know your North Star. This is why you feel like you’re constantly repeating the same steps, hitting the same wall over and over again, and always feel one step behind the game.

In The BIGlife Design School you’ll learn to see bigger and...

  • Create a vivid vision of your future to design a vibrant goal worthy of you by unlocking the full power of your imagination.
  • Start making decisions with ease as you collapse time, and without the overwhelm, paralysis, or self-sabotage of constantly second-guessing yourself and wondering if you’re on the right track.
  • Quantum leap your goals by closing the gap between knowing what you want - and making it happen, the key to achieving huge success in half the time.

Think Bigger

Stuck in old ways of thinking and limiting self-beliefs that have slowly built up over time? Shed the mindset that making more money requires more hard work. Banish other people’s voices in your head, telling you that you have to “be even smarter, work even harder, and do even more” to get to your next level of success.

Now is the time to stop holding yourself back so you can start realizing you are the kind of person who is worthy of the life you really want so you can start taking actions that align with that reality.

In The BIGlife Design School you’ll learn to think bigger and...

  • Break free from the limiting beliefs and behaviors that have kept you trapped in your own glass ceiling, so you can live into your full potential and unleash your true self.
  • Recognize and transform negative thoughts by developing the mental capacities of unwavering belief, faith, and self-confidence - no matter what life throws at you.
  • Uncover your true potential and develop a self-image that aligns with your highest self in order to overcome any fear, self-doubt, or limiting belief.

Live Bigger

When you struggle to live big enough, you struggle to stay committed to your dreams because you keep getting in your own way, bumping up against the same patterns that are holding you back without ever following through on your dreams.

In The BIGlife Design School you’ll learn to live bigger and...

  • Embody the best version of yourself so you can start showing up and tapping into your high-vibe and high-value network of referrals to make success easy - and fun.
  • Take consistent action as your highest self so you can get out of your own way and start following through on your goals, instead of overthinking every move.
  • Release your fear and commitment to the struggle so you can finally aim bigger, play bigger, and live bigger - confidently creating the life you desire.

I have successfully launched my business...and I have the drive and motivation to accomplish big things...

"Working with Cheryl has been life-changing. Cheryl is an excellent Coach and mentor. In a short period of time, I have successfully launched my business, created a website that I am proud of and I have the drive and motivation to accomplish big things in 2022!

Cheryl effectively has propelled me forward in every area of my life...I struggled to hold a big vision for my life and working with Cheryl my vision is getting bigger every day...

Her dedication and commitment to her client’s results are by far the best I've experienced thus far. If you are looking for results and world-class support to accomplish your goals, I highly recommend Cheryl." 

- Sue Ahuja, Entrepreneur, Mindset Coach

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Here’s Everything Included in the Self-Study Program for The Biglife Design School:

Lifetime Access

To your private hub with Thinking Into Results

Bi-Weekly Office Hours

For Q & A to overcome any potential blocks

Private FB Group & App

For additional support, resources, and access

Recordings of Sessions

That I have facilitated in the past to integrate TIR

You can’t afford for life to pass by while you miss out on your BIGlife.

Bi-Weekly Q&A with Cheryl $6,000 Value
Resource Hub of Materials $5,000 Value
Bob Proctorā€™s Thinking Into Results Program $3,600 Value
BIGlife Facilitation Lessons $2,000 Value

Total Value: $16,600

Quantum Leaping to the Life You Desire: Priceless

Pay In Full

$5000 USD

One time

Buy Now

Payment Plan

$1999 USD Deposit Down

2 monthly payments
of $1999/month

Buy Now

Apply for 3rd Party Funding

as low as $500/month or less!

United States

Apply Now


Apply Now


Your success in this program is directly related to and dependent on the work you put in.

I can guarantee that as your coach and guide, I’m here to support you and see your highest potential - even when you're struggling to.

Together, we can do great things.

I have had a transformational year thanks to Cheryl and her coaching!

"I highly recommend Cheryl and her coaching program. Whether you are looking to make a change, feeling stuck, or looking for more in your wheels of life - she helps you take an inventory of where you are in all domains of life and then helps you do the work to visualize where you want to get to.

The magic is a result of the work you do during the sessions supplemented and endorsed by the work outside of the daily sessions. I have had a transformational year thanks to Cheryl and her coaching but the best is yet to come - I feel it!

I am excited to enrol in her further group coaching program to surround myself with others doing similar work and having similar mindsets to vibrate off of each other's energy to achieve the best versions of our future selves in all areas of life - personally and professionally!"

- Neena Popat, Pharmacist, Real Estate Investor

Cheryl made me believe that I could accomplish things that I didn't think I could accomplish before

"During the time that I've worked with Cheryl my business income has tripled and that's something that I really wanted to work on with her. While increasing my income was my priority going into the coaching engagement, more importantly, Cheryl made me believe that I could accomplish things that I didn't think I could accomplish before. Since we've been working together, I notice that I'm not second guessing myself anymore, I'm not as stressed, and I'm not as overwhelmed because of the tools that she has taught me.

If you're in a place where you're stuck or you just don't believe something is possible for you, Cheryl will help you accomplish the breakthrough that you need and desire. She cares about you and the results that you get and she'll definitely hold you accountable.

I'm quite happy to recommend dealing with Cheryl because I've gotten great results from working with her."

- Kent Dinning, Business Coach

I'm happier than I have ever been...My results continue to climb and my goals continue to grow exponentially.

"Before I met Cheryl I kept getting in my own way. I knew what I wanted and I felt like I knew how to get there but for some reason unknown to me I just wouldn't do it.

My life has changed so much. I'm happier than I have ever been. Cheryl and her group coaching helped me close the gap between knowing and doing. My results continue to climb and my goals continue to grow exponentially.

Highly recommend the BIGLife coaching program to anyone and everyone who wants to increase the value of their lives."

- Jennifer O'Neal, CPA Firm and Quality Management Advisor, CPA

This program is truly life-changing

"Joining this program and getting on this journey was probably one of the best decisions I made in recent times. At a time when I felt stuck, weighed down, feeling underwhelmed and disappointed in my current station in life, joining this program is the best thing that happened to me. Meeting and speaking with Cheryl and learning about this program and, more importantly, about myself is what was needed for me to understand where I need to be and what I need to do in order to get there. This program offered me the opportunity to not only come across and meet with very like-minded individuals and learn about their journey but also gave me the opportunity to bring to the core what I want in life and how I intend to design that life where I can maximize my potential and also give back to others as well. This program is truly life-changing when you put the work and dedication in. This is just the beginning, and I look forward to making bigger strides."

- Hetal Kara, Business Development & Marketing Manager, Philanthropist, Real Estate Investor

Cheryl has helped me to tap into more of my potential and achieve results that I thought I was years away from getting.

"I've had the pleasure of working with Cheryl as my personal coach and I couldn't be more grateful for the guidance and support she has provided me. Through her expert knowledge, understanding of human behavior, and empathy, Cheryl has helped me to tap into more of my potential and achieve results that I thought I was years away from getting. With her help, I've been able to set and achieve big goals, overcome obstacles along the way, and improve my overall well-being. I highly recommend Cheryl to anyone looking to achieve more in their personal or professional life."

- Josh Calderon, Founder and Principal Lawyer, Calderon Law Professional Corporation

After 4 months I have experienced major changes in my life and business - I have lost weight, improved my relationships, moved into my dream house on the ocean, and turned my annual income into my monthly income!

"I started coaching with Cheryl in her BIG Life program in October, 2022. I knew that I would get something out of it, but I did not know just how much or how quickly I would see changes in myself. After 4 months I have experienced major changes in my life and business - I have lost weight, improved my relationships, moved into my dream house on the ocean, and turned my annual income into my monthly income. I highly recommend Cheryl for anyone, ANYONE, no matter where you are in your mindset, no matter how you feel about yourself, you will only improve with Cheryl on your team!!! Thank you Cheryl, I can't wait to see what next year brings!"

- Rhondi Kablak, Real Estate Investor, Director - Project Management

Ready for that promotion and raise?

it's waiting.

Striving for better relationships?

they're ready.

Yearning to start your business or finally hit that next milestone?

This is thefirst step.

The only thing standing between you and the life you want to be living - is you.

Your Time Is Now.

Whatever has been holding you back is ready to be released. The only limitations you put on yourself are in your mind.

And now the option is yours:

You can continue to struggle, feel lost and stuck in your life, frustrated that you’re not where you want to be, looking back in 6 months wondering “what if I had taken the leap”...

Or you can finally learn the skills and get the support to quantum leap into the life you desire RIGHT NOW - and make it last.

It’s time to think bigger, see bigger, and live bigger.

Your BIGlife is waiting.

What are you waiting for?

Claim Your BIGlife HERE

If you are willing to put the work in and have an open mind, I would 100% recommend Cheryl to help you build the life you want!

"She has helped my wife and I (who own a business together) tremendously. We needed someone who had experience with couples and could refocus multiple areas of our life to help our business and marriage thrive…

We went from considering divorce to a loving and respectful marriage that honestly we cant be more excited about for what it will grow into. We are much better business owners and successfully tripled our sales and profits in 2022.

We both had tried multiple coaches each before Cheryl, read which seemed like every book, taken every course, or tried every method we could but the things Cheryl worked with us on were meant to fix the problem, not push through it or overcome it. These issues had been causing us problems as a couple and as business owners for years.

On the outside we were successful and a nice couple, but in reality we were unhappy with our personal lives, the amount we had to work, and the profit margins we were hitting year after year… many of the negative results we were getting changed without any effort directly applied to them and those that needed effort were much easier to change! If you are willing to put the work in and have an open mind, I would 100% recommend Cheryl to help you build the life you want!" 

- Ryan Ryskamp and Jessica Connolly, Founder & CEO of Social Supply Design

The FAQs

What you might still be asking yourself…